Recommended Leez Priory Wedding Photographer
Ben Brown, Wedding Photographer for Lavenham Photographic Studio has been recommended by Leez Priory in Essex for around 20 years! There is a close relationship between Ben and staff, which helps the wedding day run smoothly. Also, this wealth of experience means the best locations for the best wedding photographs are easily found. All kinds of weather, lighting and times of the year create varied sets of wedding photographs.
As a recommended Leez Priory Wedding Photographer, Ben has a favourite set of positions around the grounds of Leez Priory. Though no two weddings are the same, there will always be little differences. Lighting, weather and certainly the way people interact with each other will always make a difference from one wedding to another.
Experience helps knowing where to photograph next, or where would look great at a certain time or with certain lighting. These things certainly help get the best photographs without taking too long, or missing photos that would look particularly great!
A Variety of Styles of Photography
Weddings are photographed in a variety of styles, being invisible and discrete as possible for a lot of the time, but knowing when to step in and arrange something not to be missed! Knowing how to be invisible, but also knowing how to take command and arrange a large group of people when needed is something often complimented on!
View Previous Weddings Photographed at Leez Priory
To see entire weddings photographed at Leez Priory, you can log in as a wedding guest would here and see exactly what previous clients received from me (Wedding galleries stay live for around three months):
And see further examples of Leez Priory Wedding Photography by Searching the Blog here
[flipbook pdf=”https://www.lavenhamphotographic.co.uk/books/leez1.pdf” lightbox=”true” title=”Leez Priory Wedding Album Demo” singlepage=”false”]
To see if I’m available to photograph your wedding, please visit my Availability page.
More Information about Leez Priory can be seen here:Â www.leez-priory.co.uk
Below is a gallery of plenty of examples of my wedding photography at Leez Priory. This will certainly give a good idea of the sort of photos to expect if I photographed your wedding.